Denise Athanas Sailing The Aegean Jade Fon Memorial Award |
Kate Aubrey Been There Silver |
Gloria Baker The Meeting Past Presidents Award |
Kathie Boissiere CWA Dimensions Watercolor West Award |
Peter Carey Wigwam Motel Blick Art Materials Award |
Leslie Cheney-Parr Puy Blanket of Spring Dick Cole Memorial Award |
Taryn Curiel Finding Our Way Norbert Volk Award |
Elaine Daily-Birnbaum Confinement Mijello 1st Award |
Karen Frey Manny in the Kitchen Window Mary Spivey Memorial Award |
Valya Hristova Little Sunshine Savior–Faire Award |
Iretta Hunter Quilted Rose Jack Richeson & Co. Inc. Award |
Bev Jozwiak Stormy Weather Guerrilla Painters/Judson’s Award |
Barbara Kempe Domes of Guanajuato Mexico HK Holbein Inc. Award |
Lynne Kroll Geared Mijello 2nd Award |
Wendy Liang Winter American Frame/Golden Artist Colors Inc. |
Carolyn Lord Poppies and Agave Award |
Geoffrey McCormack Learning to Walk in My Own Shadow 9 Gold |
r. mike nichols Family Foto 2 Arnold Grossman Memorial Award |
Mark Smith Shutter Shadow Bronze |
Jeannie Vodden Sunshine M. Graham & Co. Award |
Barbara Yoerg Hurricane Matthew Aftermath Cheap Joe’s Award |
Yueqi Zhang Under the Sunshine CWA Signature Members Award |